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Quality products
Atlantic Cod
Gadus morhua
Atlantic Cod
Gadus morhua
FAO: 21,27
Product description: Wild caught
Catching method: Trawl / long-line
Packing: Shatterpacked / IQF / blocks
Product specification: HG, fillets, loins, portions, and blocksAtlantic Cod is one of the most popular fish in the world and is primarily caught by trawl and long-line in the North Atlantic Ocean. Atlantic Cod is produced on the fishing vessel or in land-based factories.
Atlantic Cod has a mildly flavoured, moist white meat with a firm texture.
Melanogrammus aeglefinus
Melanogrammus aeglefinus
FAO: 21,27
Product description: Wild caught
Catching method: Trawl / long-line
Packing: Shatterpacked / IQF / blocks
Product specification: HG, fillets, loins, portions, and blocksHaddock is a member of the cod family and is primarily caught by trawl and long-line in the North Atlantic Ocean. Haddock is produced on the fishing vessel or in land-based factories.
Haddock has an excellent, mild taste and is very suitable for smoking.
Pollachius virens
Pollachius virens
FAO: 21,27
Product description: Wild caught
Catching method: Trawl / long-line
Packing: Shatterpacked / IQF / blocks
Product specification: HG, fillets, loins, portions and blocksAtlantic Saithe, also known as pollock, is primarily caught by trawl and long-line in the North Atlantic Ocean. Saithe is produced on the fishing vessel or in land-based factories.
The meat of Atlantic Saithe is firm and white with a sweet and delicate taste.
Perca fluviatilis
Perca fluviatilis
FAO: 04,05
Product description: Wild caught, freshwater
Catching method: Gill nets, seine
Packing: IQF
Product specification: FilletsPerch, also known as European Perch, is a freshwater fish native to Europe and North Asia.
Perch is a popular eating fish due to its firm, white flaky flesh, and sweet taste.
Pike Perch
Sander lucioperca
Pike Perch
Sander lucioperca
FAO: 04,05
Product description: Wild caught, freshwater
Catching method: Gill nets, seine
Packing: IQF<
Product specification: FilletsPike Perch, also known as sander or zander, is found in freshwater lakes and rivers of Europe and Eurasia.
It is a lean fish with a mild and delicate, sweet flavour and is firm and flaky when cooked.
Snow Crab
Chionoecetes opilio
Snow Crab
Chionoecetes opilio
FAO: 21,27
Product description: Wild caught
Catching method: Pots and traps
Packing: 30 lbs / 10 lbs
Product specification: Sections / clusters, cocktail claws and leg-meat sections.Snow Crab lives in the coldest parts of the north Atlantic Ocean and is usually found at depths between 50 and 280 meters. The meat part is mainly in the claws and the legs.
The meat has a fresh, sweet and salty taste.
King Crab
Paralithodes camtschaticus
King Crab
Paralithodes camtschaticus
FAO: 27
Product description: Wild caught
Catching method: Pots
Packing: 9kg Cartons
Product specification: Single Frozen, Cooked, Raw, Clusters, Single LegsKing crab grows slowly in cold Arctic waters. These majestic crabs are fished for most of the year from well managed fisheries around the Norwegian coast.
The meat from the king crab is prized due to its sweet and succulent taste and is packed with vitamins A and B12, iron, selenium and iodine.
Atlantic Herring
Clupea harengus
Atlantic Herring
Clupea harengus
FAO: 27
Product description: Wild caught
Catching method: Trawl / Seine
Packing: 580kg scantainers, 10kg, 17kg. 20kg blocks
Product specification: Whole Round, HGT, Flaps, FilletsThe Atlantic herring is one of the most abundant fish species in the world and can school in immense numbers with up to several million fish in one school.
Herring is a delicious, fatty and oily fish with a rich clean and salty taste.
Atlantic Mackerel
Scomber scombrus
Atlantic Mackerel
Scomber scombrus
FAO: 27
Product description: Wild caught
Catching method: Trawl / Seine
Packing: 580kg scantainers, 10kg, 17kg. 20kg blocks
Product specification: Whole Round, HGT, Flaps, FilletsThe Atlantic mackerel is a migratory pelagic fish that moves in large schools and is distinctive due to the dark stripes across its blue back.
This fast swimmer is found in both the eastern and western parts of the north Atlantic. It has darkish meat, that is deliciously firm, fatty and extremely rich in Omega-3, vitamin D and selenium.
Lates calcarifer
Lates calcarifer
FAO: 57
Product description: Ocean Farmed
Catching method: Net Harvest
Packing: 5kg cartons, 1kg retail bags
Product specification: Whole Round, Fillets, Portions, LoinsBarramundi is a large, silver, coastal fish, native to the Indo-Pacific Region. It is a popular aquaculture fish and has a growing reputation for consumers seeking a delicious and sustainable seafood option, available year-round with consistent high quality.
Ocean farmed Barramundi is particularly sought after due to its clean, mild, sweet taste and firm flesh. Barramundi is a lean, nutrient rich fish, and low in mercury making it an excellent healthy seafood choice.
Norwegian Lobster
Nephrops norvegicus
Norwegian Lobster
Nephrops norvegicus
FAO: 27
Product description: Wild caught
Catching method: Trawl / Pots
Packing: 800g, 3kg
Product specification: Whole Raw, Semi IQF or IQFNorwegian lobster, also known as langoustine, is caught in the cold, clean waters of the North Atlantic. It is known for its sweet and delicate flavour, often described as a cross between a lobster and a prawn.
Norwegian lobster stocks are well managed, with the industry placing a strong emphasis on responsible fishing practices. It is considered a premium seafood product and has a global reputation as a gourmet ingredient in fine dining.
Cold Water Prawn
Pandalus borealis
Cold Water Prawn
Pandalus borealis
FAO: 27,21
Product description: Wild caught
Catching method: Trawl / Seine
Packing: Blocks / Sacks 18 – 22kg, 1kg cartons, 5kg cartons
Product specification: Whole cooked or raw, IQF frozen.Pandalus borealis, also known as the pink prawn or northern prawn, is a coldwater shrimp species found in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. These crustaceans, with their distinctive dark pink shells, are a much-loved delicacy due to their fine, sweet flavour and firm, succulent texture.
Once caught, the prawns are processed, frozen and packed rapidly to ensure that the product is maintained at the highest quality. These prawns have a reputation as a gourmet ingredient worldwide and are found in the finest dining establishments around the world.

We are certified traders, and we aim to deal with certified suppliers
The natural choice for us is MSC (wild caught) or ASC (farmed) certified seafood products. Natural, because not only are we responsible for supporting responsible fishing practices to secure resources for future generations – the future of our business itself depends on sustainable fishing practices!
Therefore, the vast majority of our products are MSC or ASC certified, and we work actively to promote sustainable fishing by continuously supporting our suppliers’ certification efforts.
ASC: Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Ambitious certification programme to transform the world's seafood markets and promote the best environmental and social aquaculture performance
MSC: Marine Stewardship Council
International non-profit organisation that recognises and rewards efforts to protect oceans and safeguard seafood supplies for the future
Unsolicited applications
We are continuously welcoming passionate and talented new colleagues in the Kangamiut Group and our family of subsidiaries.
Whether you are looking for a dynamic and educational place to start your career, or whether you are an experienced fish monger, logistics or financial specialist, we look forward to hearing from you!