Kim initiated his career in Kangamiut Seafood in the early 1990’s, literally hand-picked fresh from the forest (where he worked at the time) by our founder, Niels Vinther Rasmussen. After some years working primarily with quality control, Kim moved gradually into sales and sourcing. Given his talent, drive, and not least his passion for company culture, Kim was the natural choice when Niels Vinther Rasmussen retired and had to appoint a successor for the CEO role in Kangamiut Seafood in 2010. Since then, Kim has been instrumental in bringing Kangamiut Seafood to where it is today.

We are in the very fortunate situation that Kim has agreed to take on a role as Senior Advisor to the Kangamiut Group, effective 1 August 2024. In parallel, Kim will continue his role as member of the Board of Directors with a handful of our subsidiaries.


We would like to sincerely thank Kim for his impressive contribution to the development of Kangamiut Seafood and the Kangamiut Group and we look forward to continuing the collaboration in this new constellation.


Picture: Kim (to the right) on board a trawler in the Faroe Islands

Rasmus Grønborg Bak is our new CEO in Kangamiut Seafood, effective 1 August 2024.


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Kim Roed Jensen (in the middle) during a visit to our partners in the Faroe Islands